Brandon has been released from custody.
By Jessica Jaglois
A Chesterfield Marine will be released from a mental health facility after a judge ruled there wasn’t sufficient evidence of allegations made against him.
Brandon Raub was committed to a mental health facility for 30 days after a series of events, including questions about his Facebook page. Now, the Rutherford Institute has taken up his cause.
In court Thursday, the judge said that the petition filed by Chesterfield Police was blank and didn’t list a single allegation against him. The judge said Raub suffered a “deprivation of his liberty” by being held without a clear claim.
Raub’s case went viral when a YouTube video of his arrest began circulating over the weekend. Supporters argued he should never have been taken in handcuffs and said he never belonged in a mental health facility.
Of concern, were some posts on his Facebook page, like one on August 13 saying “Sharpen up my axe; I’m here to sever heads.”
His legal team says that August 13 post isn’t what it seemed. [it was lyrics from a song - Oath Keepers].
Oath Keepers is coming to the aid of this young Marine veteran and our rallying cry will be “CHARGE HIM, OR RELEASE HIM.” We cannot allow “mental illness” designations to be used as a weapon against political dissidents in America.
Oath Keepers had posted an article on the background of this situation and can be viewed here.
Oath Keepers Eastern Vice President, Rand Cardwell and Stewart Rhodes spoke with 4 Marines that served with Brandon Raub. These 4 spoke about what is going on with Brandon as well as his character.
Marines Who Served With Brandon Raub Sound Off In His Defense
LouRiccio-The EagleKeeper+
Wednesday, September 5, 2012
Tuesday, August 28, 2012
We Fight!
What do we as Americans do when our livelihoods, liberties, rights, and freedoms are steadily being eroded and taken away from us?
We Fight!
56 of our Founders put their name to a document declaring that their cause was liberty.
236 years later, our cause is the same.
If you wish to pledge—as they did—to defend economic liberty, take a moment to watch Free Market America's newest video.
Then, visit and tell us why you fight. We will repost and circulate the most compelling responses.
LouRiccio+ @TheEagleKeeper
Thursday, August 23, 2012
Oath Keepers Support Marine Veteran Brandon Raub, Victim of Soviet Style Pre-crime Detention
Stewart Rhodes is calling for Oath Keepers across the country to support Brandon Raub and protest his detention and involuntary lockup in a mental ward, after he had been singled out for comments made on his Facebook page.
Please read the full article on the OK National website if you haven't already, and help get the word out that this is not the way citizens of a FREE society are to be treated.
The link to the full article is below:
Oath Keepers to Rally in Support of Marine Veteran Brandon Raub, Victim of Soviet Style Pre-crime Detention
For Freedom and Liberty!
- Lou
LouRiccio+ @TheEagleKeeper
Please read the full article on the OK National website if you haven't already, and help get the word out that this is not the way citizens of a FREE society are to be treated.
The link to the full article is below:
Oath Keepers to Rally in Support of Marine Veteran Brandon Raub, Victim of Soviet Style Pre-crime Detention
For Freedom and Liberty!
- Lou
LouRiccio+ @TheEagleKeeper
Friday, April 13, 2012
Toilet Tyranny - Compliments of D.C.
The federal government's "toilet tyranny" is exposed by Leslie Swann of the Tennessee Tenth Amendment Center as she elaborates on the effects of the unconstitutional "Energy Policy and Conservation Act" in The Poop and Plunge: Brought to You by Uncle Sam:
Lesley Swann is a Co-Host for Tenther Radio, the state chapter coordinator for the Tennessee Tenth Amendment Center, and founder of the East Tennessee 10th Amendment Group. She is a native of Anderson County, Tennessee.
LouRiccio+ @TheEagleKeeper
In 1992, the Energy Policy and Conservation Act was passed that banned 3.5 gallon toilets in favor of toilets using only 1.6 gallons.Read more: The Poop and Plunge: Brought to You by Uncle Sam
Maybe it was all a plot to force Americans to get into shape. As a result, I now get my daily workout by spending up to 5 minutes at a time, plunging vigorously with all my might trying to get my infernal government-approved toilet to flush. Who knew plunging was such great cardio?
Lesley Swann is a Co-Host for Tenther Radio, the state chapter coordinator for the Tennessee Tenth Amendment Center, and founder of the East Tennessee 10th Amendment Group. She is a native of Anderson County, Tennessee.
LouRiccio+ @TheEagleKeeper
Thursday, March 1, 2012
A Supernova Now Dark
Conservative blogger Andrew Breitbart dies at 43.
Thank you for your service Brett. We will miss you sir!
From the Peach Pundit:
There will be a number of posts from people on this site and others today about Andrew Breitbart. Editorially, you’re supposed to have one post that everyone can rally around, but Andrew Breitbart was such a multifaceted fascinating renaissance man. We each have our own descriptions and stories of Breitbart.
When I first heard the news I thought it was another twitter hoax. But it sadly is not.
Andrew Breitbart was, in every room I ever saw him in, the brilliant bright light and ball of energy people gravitated to and fixated on. It is like a supernova has gone dark.
For all the focus on his activism — something he was highly effective at despite criticism from the left and media who were beaten at their own game by him — he is not often credited enough for being a dot-com entrepreneur.
Having worked at the Drudge Report keeping the lights on for Matt, Breitbart had the brilliant idea of getting the AP news feed and setting up Many sites then followed suit, but he was one of the first and definitely the most successful guy to do that.
He helped get the Huffington Post off the ground and then set about building the Big sites.
What I admired most about Andrew was his willingness to be the lightening rod despite criticism from both the left and the right. He was the lightening rod and when lightening struck, Andrew used the brilliant flash of light to direct everyone’s attention to precisely what he wanted them to see. He was a master at it. The attention he garnered was never about getting attention for himself, but using the attention to tell the story and share the news he wanted told and shared.
Read More: A Supernova Now Dark
LouRiccio+ @TheEagleKeeper
Thursday, February 16, 2012
Obama Strips Obstacle of Further "Fast and Furious" Attempts on 2nd Amendment
What? Obama, Clinton and Holder didn't try to screw the American citizens out of their guns enough?
With the UN Small Arms Treaty ratification by Congress looming, Obama has basically authorized more "Fast and Furious" type operations by removing blocking provisions from the budget...
From the opinion piece by Emily Miller posted on the Washington Times website 02/15/2012
Read More: MILLER: Obama’s fast and furious spin
LouRiccio+ @TheEagleKeeper
With the UN Small Arms Treaty ratification by Congress looming, Obama has basically authorized more "Fast and Furious" type operations by removing blocking provisions from the budget...
From the opinion piece by Emily Miller posted on the Washington Times website 02/15/2012
President Obama is using his budget to advance an anti-gun agenda just before the election. One particularly sneaky provision buried deep within his submission to Congress Monday would, if enacted, allow the mistakes of the “Fast and Furious” gun-walking scandal to be repeated.
Read More: MILLER: Obama’s fast and furious spin
LouRiccio+ @TheEagleKeeper
Sunday, February 5, 2012
Welcome To The War
Obama should present the UN Gun Ban Treaty to Congress for Ratification this summer. Are you ready for the dug in establishment to pull your last defense from tyranny? It seems all the pieces are coming together for the federal government to have total control over the American people.They are happy about that, this is the ultimate goal of the Statist.
The Neocons started the ball rolling, Gingrich and his "Contract with America" shutting out debate in the House. Bush /Cheney - citizen surveillance, spying, torture, The Patriot Act, Undeclared Wars... laying the foundations for the Dictator In Chief..., The NDAA2012, The Expatriation Act... Alphabet Soup Agencies, Administration Czars, Land Grabs, Money Grabs... Body Scanners TSA, Highway checkpoints, VIPR teams searching your car, security scans at the train and bus depots, military on the streets, CoG... OWS beatings, pepper spray to youth old women and kids..
"Welcome to War... Welcome to the Last World War" - Kerry Livgren, AD
LouRiccio+ @TheEagleKeeper
The Neocons started the ball rolling, Gingrich and his "Contract with America" shutting out debate in the House. Bush /Cheney - citizen surveillance, spying, torture, The Patriot Act, Undeclared Wars... laying the foundations for the Dictator In Chief..., The NDAA2012, The Expatriation Act... Alphabet Soup Agencies, Administration Czars, Land Grabs, Money Grabs... Body Scanners TSA, Highway checkpoints, VIPR teams searching your car, security scans at the train and bus depots, military on the streets, CoG... OWS beatings, pepper spray to youth old women and kids..
"Welcome to War... Welcome to the Last World War" - Kerry Livgren, AD
LouRiccio+ @TheEagleKeeper
Friday, February 3, 2012
Letter To Georgia Senators to Support NDAA Repeal
Honorable Senator Isakson, (Chambliss)
I would like to make my opinion known concerning the sections of the NDAA-2012 bill, which is now law, concerning the treatment of American citizens suspected of, or identified as, threats to US National Security.
I am sure you have heard all of this previously, as I am not alone in the knowledge, among the population of the State of Georgia (yourself included, having sworn an oath to uphold and defend it) that these provisions are absolutely unconstitutional and nullify specific amendments of the Bill of Rights protecting our person, our property and our liberty, namely Amendments I, IV, V and VI.
These sections also fall in direct opposition to the procedures established at the founding of this nation in dealing with an American citizen identified and accused of working against the US government, which is considered to be treason. You well know this is not the way that Article III, Section 3 of the United States Constitution directs our government to handle an American Citizen accused of this high crime. I will spare you the detail of outlining all of the provisions of this section.
As you had supported the passing of this legislation, thus facilitating its ultimate adoption as law, I ask you now to support the repeal of these sections of the law which are considered by the American People to be unlawful, unconstitutional, and an act of Treason itself by the U.s. Government against the American People, our legacy, and our institutions and values of Justice, Freedom and Liberty.
I will await any comments or response you may have for me.
In Liberty,
Lou Riccio
LouRiccio+ @TheEagleKeeper
Friday, January 20, 2012
Let the United Nations Take our Guns?
Senator Rand Paul is fighting back against the United Nations globalist agenda to disarm the American People. I had received this email and wanted to make sure all are aware of the current happening at the U.N. with Obama and Hillary Clinton currently pushing and deeply engaged an the effort for an international gun ban with the goal of ultimately confiscating our guns.
Read more and complete the survey: Stop the UN Gun Ban
LouRiccio+ @TheEagleKeeper
A Message from US Senator Rand Paul:
Dear fellow American,
Gun-grabbers around the globe believe they have it made.
Secretary of State Hillary Clinton recently announced the Obama Administration will be working hand-in-glove with the UN to pass a new “Small Arms Treaty.”
Disguised as an “International Arms Control Treaty” to fight against “terrorism,” “insurgency” and “international crime syndicates,” the UN’s Small Arms Treaty is in fact a massive, GLOBAL gun control scheme.
If passed by the UN and ratified by the U.S. Senate, the UN “Small Arms Treaty” would almost certainly FORCE the United States to:
*** Enact tougher licensing requirements, making law-abiding Americans cut through even more bureaucratic red tape just to own a firearm legally;
*** CONFISCATE and DESTROY ALL “unauthorized” civilian firearms (all firearms owned by the government are excluded, of course);
*** BAN the trade, sale and private ownership of ALL semi-automatic weapons;
*** Create an INTERNATIONAL gun registry, setting the stage for full-scale gun CONFISCATION.
I'm sure I don't have to tell you that this is NOT a fight we can afford to lose.
Read more and complete the survey: Stop the UN Gun Ban
LouRiccio+ @TheEagleKeeper
Saturday, January 14, 2012
First challenge on new Obama appointees : SCOTUSblog
Following up on a previous post concerning the "recess appointments", below is the first challenge to the NLRB appointment:
Read More:First challenge on new Obama appointees : SCOTUSblog
(January 13, 2012) A group of business organizations and individual firms on Friday began the first challenge to President Obama’s new government appointments while the Senate is out of town, using a case involving the National Labor Relations Board to test the issue. In a motion filed in U.S. District Court in Washington, along with a legal memorandum, the challengers argued that the NLRB has no power to go ahead with a pending rule on workers’ rights because the three new appointees were not legally named, so the Board has no operating quorum.
Read More:First challenge on new Obama appointees : SCOTUSblog
Wednesday, January 11, 2012
Liberty or Tyranny: Are You an Oath Keeper? Choose Sides Now
In post Patriot Act / NDAA 2012 America, the people, our law enforcement officers, and our military members, need to decide what our country's legacy is to be. Would we be so complacent as to let America fall into becoming a tyrannical despotism? The Beacon of Freedom, as originally intended by the founders, extinguished in totalitarian encroachments upon the natural rights declared inalienably ours in the Declaration of Independence and the U.S. Constitution?
We as a people have been railroaded by our "servants" in government for multiple decades into sacrificing our freedoms upon the alter of security. This trend has been turbo-charged since 9/11 in the form of tyrannical legislations becoming law, all in the name of American safety and National Interest. More deaths have have been attributed to influenza in one year then have occurred as a result of terrorism in the ten years since 9/11, with the flu killing approximately 40,000 Americans every year, while terrorism has killed less than 12,000 in ten years, including our brothers and sisters fighting for us in the military.
With that said, does the concept of "implied security" as a result of a litany of encroachments on our Constitutional freedoms and liberties justify the stifling of those same natural, God given rights?
As Americans, we have come to a historic crossroads. In essence, a repeat of the crossroads our founders had reached when they chose to put their quill to parchment, letting the world know the American Colonies would no longer allow its People to be subjugated to the tyrannical policies of the King of England. We are at this decision now. A point where each one of us MUST decide which path, as an individual, we will follow. Will you throw your support in with the continual abuses of our government against the Constitution and the People, or will you stand for Freedom and Liberty by actually keeping the oath which ALL of our Armed Forces and public servants must take?
From the website:
Steward Rhodes is the founder of Oath Keepers. In the Video below, he makes it clear the current state the federal government has brought us to, and the decision we all must ultimately make:
LouRiccio+ @TheEagleKeeper
We as a people have been railroaded by our "servants" in government for multiple decades into sacrificing our freedoms upon the alter of security. This trend has been turbo-charged since 9/11 in the form of tyrannical legislations becoming law, all in the name of American safety and National Interest. More deaths have have been attributed to influenza in one year then have occurred as a result of terrorism in the ten years since 9/11, with the flu killing approximately 40,000 Americans every year, while terrorism has killed less than 12,000 in ten years, including our brothers and sisters fighting for us in the military.
With that said, does the concept of "implied security" as a result of a litany of encroachments on our Constitutional freedoms and liberties justify the stifling of those same natural, God given rights?
As Americans, we have come to a historic crossroads. In essence, a repeat of the crossroads our founders had reached when they chose to put their quill to parchment, letting the world know the American Colonies would no longer allow its People to be subjugated to the tyrannical policies of the King of England. We are at this decision now. A point where each one of us MUST decide which path, as an individual, we will follow. Will you throw your support in with the continual abuses of our government against the Constitution and the People, or will you stand for Freedom and Liberty by actually keeping the oath which ALL of our Armed Forces and public servants must take?
From the website:
Veterans, you swore an Oath...We, as individuals, do not have the option of deferring this decision to some future point. We each need to decide right now, which side we are on.
Oath of Enlistment
I, (NAME), do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic; that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same; and that I will obey the orders of the President of the United States and the orders of the officers appointed over me, according to regulations and the Uniform Code of Military Justice. So help me God.
Officers Oath
I, [name], do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic; that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same; that I take this obligation freely, without any mental reservation or purpose of evasion; and that I will well and faithfully discharge the duties of the office on which I am about to enter. So help me God.
Your Oath NEVER expires! It's time to keep it!
Steward Rhodes is the founder of Oath Keepers. In the Video below, he makes it clear the current state the federal government has brought us to, and the decision we all must ultimately make:
LouRiccio+ @TheEagleKeeper
Sunday, January 8, 2012
Obama Administration Tests Constitutional Power After Controversial Appointment
It seems more and more people and organizations are jumping on board the train to rough up Obama on his Constitution over-stepping.
Read more: Obama Administration Tests Constitutional Power After Controversial Appointment
LouRiccio+ @TheEagleKeeper
The U.S. Chamber of Commerce may sue the Obama administration over President Obama's controversial appointment of Richard Cordray to head a controversial consumer financial board, officials from the business group told Fox News on Wednesday after an unprecedented display of executive power that is sure to poison already-strained relations with the GOP.
Read more: Obama Administration Tests Constitutional Power After Controversial Appointment
LouRiccio+ @TheEagleKeeper
Wednesday, January 4, 2012
Jim Babka, DownsizeDC on the Police State NDAA
NDAA: Open Season for the Police State
How the New Indefinite Detention Provisions can be used on Americans
Congress just passed, and the President just signed, a bill that gives legal authority to the President to kidnap and perpetually imprison persons, including American citizens, without the benefit of due process.
Members of Congress, in the days leading up to the vote, tried to assure their constituents that they have nothing to fear — that the bill doesn’t apply to Americans.
Some were lying. Most were deceived.
LouRiccio+ @TheEagleKeeper
Tuesday, January 3, 2012
Ron Paul Supported by US Military
If you were to honor the war veterans of this country, those who have served, and continue to serve, and those who have given the ultimate sacrifice, then please watch this video in its entirety. Let some of them tell you why the US Military overwhelmingly support Ron Paul for President...
U.S. Military Overwhelmingly Support Ron Paul for President in 2012
LouRiccio+ @TheEagleKeeper
U.S. Military Overwhelmingly Support Ron Paul for President in 2012
LouRiccio+ @TheEagleKeeper
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