I am respectful of peoples privacy, so i have changed the name of my debate partner to "name-removed"
Sal Eaglekeeper I can do that too.... Don't even talk about consistency:
Sal Eaglekeeper That is your option, and your right.. FYI, he was originally Republican, which is what he is now,.. he had once joined the libertarian party to become a 3rd party candidate because the status quo wouldn't give airtime to him and So you know... If you are happy as a "conservative" of continually trashed liberties and unconstitutional laws, and now... traitors in the Sebnate and the House voting to take away your Constitutional rights... then have at it.. pick whatever staus quo candidate you want to.. as I said.. it is your right as an American....
At least it is for now.....
Sal Eaglekeeper All you need for proof of Congressional treason... Just look at the National Defense Authorization Act of 2012... 93 senators, and 336 house members, all voted to let the military take you away....without charge, with trial, indefinite detention.. All they have to say is they think you are a threat to the US...
LouRiccio+ @TheEagleKeeper