Sunday, October 23, 2011

America's Unique Fascism

from "America's Unique Fascism"
Up and down the economy, at all levels of government, bureaucrats and planners dictate details in nearly all areas of economic behavior, with the principle that some sectors should simply be free of government intrusion having been totally discarded. If we have large swaths of economic liberty in America, and we do, this is by accident, or merely due to the state's institutional limits in being able to run everything. The ideological thrust of US economic policy is that we may live our commercial lives freer than in many places, but all upon the good graces of the state, its cartels, licensing boards, and regulatory apparatuses. Even our homes are private property only insofar as it serves the interest of the state, which claims the right to seize anything we own if it bolsters the tax receipts garnered through the state-business nexus. The business environment adheres to a rapidly expanding litany of commercial codes, many of them designed not even by legislature but by executive or judicial fiat. Taken together, this is the essence of economic fascism.

Well There you have it. 
Jonah Goldberg stated in his book "Liberal Fascism" that Wilson took from Hindenburgh, and Mussolini and Hitler was hugely interested in the resulting progressive polices of the United States which were in turn integrated into the edicts on National Socialism
