Thursday, February 16, 2012

Obama Strips Obstacle of Further "Fast and Furious" Attempts on 2nd Amendment

What? Obama, Clinton and Holder didn't try to screw the American citizens out of their guns enough?

With the UN Small Arms Treaty ratification by Congress looming, Obama has basically authorized more "Fast and Furious" type operations by removing blocking provisions from the budget...

From the opinion piece by Emily Miller posted on the Washington Times website 02/15/2012

President Obama is using his budget to advance an anti-gun agenda just before the election. One particularly sneaky provision buried deep within his submission to Congress Monday would, if enacted, allow the mistakes of the “Fast and Furious” gun-walking scandal to be repeated.

Read More: MILLER: Obama’s fast and furious spin

LouRiccio+ @TheEagleKeeper

Sunday, February 5, 2012

Welcome To The War

Obama should present the UN Gun Ban Treaty to Congress for Ratification this summer. Are you ready for the dug in establishment to pull your last defense from tyranny? It seems all the pieces are coming together for the federal government to have total control over the American people.They are happy about that, this is the ultimate goal of the Statist.

The Neocons started the ball rolling, Gingrich and his "Contract with America" shutting out debate in the House. Bush /Cheney - citizen surveillance, spying, torture, The Patriot Act, Undeclared Wars... laying the foundations for the Dictator In Chief..., The NDAA2012, The Expatriation Act... Alphabet Soup Agencies, Administration Czars, Land Grabs, Money Grabs... Body Scanners TSA, Highway checkpoints, VIPR teams searching your car, security scans at the train and bus depots, military on the streets, CoG... OWS beatings, pepper spray to youth old women and kids..

"Welcome to War... Welcome to the Last World War" - Kerry Livgren, AD

LouRiccio+ @TheEagleKeeper

Friday, February 3, 2012

Letter To Georgia Senators to Support NDAA Repeal

Honorable Senator Isakson, (Chambliss)

I would like to make my opinion known concerning the sections of the NDAA-2012 bill, which is now law, concerning the treatment of American citizens suspected of, or identified as, threats to US National Security.

I am sure you have heard all of this previously, as I am not alone in the knowledge, among the population of the State of Georgia (yourself included, having sworn an oath to uphold and defend it) that these provisions are absolutely unconstitutional and nullify specific amendments of the Bill of Rights protecting our person, our property and our liberty, namely Amendments I, IV, V and VI.

These sections also fall in direct opposition to the procedures established at the founding of this nation in dealing with an American citizen identified and accused of working against the US government, which is considered to be treason. You well know this is not the way that Article III, Section 3 of the United States Constitution directs our government to handle an American Citizen accused of this high crime. I will spare you the detail of outlining all of the provisions of this section.

As you had supported the passing of this legislation, thus facilitating its ultimate adoption as law, I ask you now to support the repeal of these sections of the law which are considered by the American People to be unlawful, unconstitutional, and an act of Treason itself by the U.s. Government against the American People, our legacy, and our institutions and values of Justice, Freedom and Liberty.

I will await any comments or response you may have for me.

In Liberty,

Lou Riccio

LouRiccio+ @TheEagleKeeper