Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Oath Keepers Stand for Wrongly Accused Veteran Military

Brandon has been released from custody. 

By Jessica Jaglois
A Chesterfield Marine will be released from a mental health facility after a judge ruled there wasn’t sufficient evidence of allegations made against him.
Brandon Raub was committed to a mental health facility for 30 days after a series of events, including questions about his Facebook page.  Now, the Rutherford Institute has taken up his cause.
In court Thursday, the judge said that the petition filed by Chesterfield Police was blank and didn’t list a single allegation against him. The judge said Raub suffered a “deprivation of his liberty” by being held without a clear claim.
Raub’s case went viral when a YouTube video of his arrest began circulating over the weekend. Supporters argued he should never have been taken in handcuffs and said he never belonged in a mental health facility.
Of concern, were some posts on his Facebook page, like one on August 13 saying “Sharpen up my axe; I’m here to sever heads.”
His legal team says that August 13 post isn’t what it seemed. [it was lyrics from a song - Oath Keepers].


Oath Keepers is coming to the aid of this young Marine veteran and our rallying cry will be “CHARGE HIM, OR RELEASE HIM.” We cannot allow “mental illness” designations to be used as a weapon against political dissidents in America.

Oath Keepers had posted an article on the background of this situation and can be viewed here.

 Oath Keepers Eastern Vice President, Rand Cardwell and Stewart Rhodes spoke with 4 Marines that served with Brandon Raub. These 4 spoke about what is going on with Brandon as well as his character. Marines Who Served With Brandon Raub Sound Off In His Defense

 LouRiccio+ @TheEagleKeeper LouRiccio-The EagleKeeper+